July 26, 2024

Joseph Dreiss Presents at SLSA Conference

On Sunday, September 30, Professor of Art and Art History Joseph Dreiss presented a paper at the 26th Annual Meeting of the 
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA)

which was held in Milwaukee, Wis. The paper, “Direct Encounters with Nonhuman Nature: The Landscape Interventions of Andy Goldsworthy,” was presented as part of the Arts and Ecologies session. Fellow panelist and presenters were Elizabeth Kessler, Stanford University, who presented on “Alignments: Earthworks, Astronomy, and Instrumentality” and  Christine Filippone, University of Pennsylvania, who presented on “The Human Use of Human Beings?: Feminism and Systems Theory in Public Sculpture and Ecological Art.”

The Society for Literature, Science and the Arts is an interdisciplinary society devoted to the study of the interrelationship and dialogue between the science, engineering, technology and the arts.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.


  1. Ernest ackermann says

    Congratulations, Joe!