About 500 UMW alumni will return to Fredericksburg on Saturday, Oct. 20 to reunite with friends, faculty and current students and to reminisce about their experiences at Mary Washington.
Faculty members and alumni can start the day with the Muffins and Mimosas Networking Reception from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Jepson Alumni Executive Center. If you are able to attend, please contact Chrissy Bowdren, assistant director of alumni relations, at cbowdren@umw.edu or call 540/654-2063.
Throughout the day, departments will host open houses for alumni to see their classrooms and buildings, mingle with fellow graduates and reconnect with professors. A full schedule of departmental events and open houses is available at http://alumni.umw.edu/homecoming/schedule/.
Homecoming also will include the alumni tent party from 1 to 4 p.m., an alumni versus students cornhole tournament and the Class of 2007’s five-year reunion at Brock’s Riverside Grill. Students, alumni and faculty will cheer on the rugby, volleyball, women’s soccer, field hockey and men’s soccer teams during their games on Saturday.
To view the entire schedule, visit http://alumni.umw.edu/homecoming/schedule/.