University Community:
On Saturday night the Red Flag Campaign display that was hung around the fountain at Palmieri Plaza was partially burned. The display was created by UMW student groups along with support from the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault (RCASA) to recognize issues of dating and domestic violence and provide support for survivors. An investigation is underway. If you have any information regarding this vandalism, please contact University Police at 540/654-1025.
While we do not know the motive of the person or persons who vandalized the display, there is never an excuse for such an act. This showed disrespect for the efforts and free speech rights of others. Although the damage to the display is done, we can take this moment to reaffirm our commitment to survivors of domestic violence and continue to make clear our support for those who may not have a voice. Remember that the Red Flag Campaign calls for “bystander intervention” strategy – say something when you see warning signs or “red flags.”
The Red Flag Campaign and display symbolized many students’ pledges against dating violence and our community support for these friends and colleagues. The University is committed to this program and stands together with victims and advocates to assist students in our University community who need support.
Thank you for your awareness and support of this important topic.
Doug Searcy
Doug Searcy, PhD.
Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Mary Washington