July 26, 2024

New UMW Employee Recognition Programs

Looking for new and creative ways to recognize your staff and/or colleagues?

Take advantage of these two new programs beginning today, November 5th:



  • Supervisors can present an employee with a “jeans pass” for doing something extraordinary (supervisors will be sent a separate email with the actual “jeans pass”).
  • All staff and faculty may participate and be recognized.
  • Each employee may be awarded one pass per week, maximum.
  • Supervisors may determine that certain days are not appropriate for jeans, based on office needs.
  • Jeans must be professional in appearance. No holes or frays.
  • This is a year-round recognition program, in addition to “jeans on Friday” in the  summer dress code.  

 # 1 F.A.N (Fantastic Action Noticed) COLLEAGUE RECOGNITION PROGRAM


  • Employees can recognize outstanding service or collaboration received from a colleague in a different department.
  • All faculty and staff may participate and be recognized.
  • Requests must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources using the online form.
  • Recognized employees will be sent an email letting them know they have a “FAN” and asking them to come to the Office of Human Resources to pick out a UMW spirit prize.
  • Each employee can only receive two items from the prize inventory per year.

For questions on these two programs or any of the other UMW recognition programs, please contact Judy Kwitnieski (jkwitnie@umw.edu) or Lynne Lee (llee5@umw.edu).