Elizabeth F. Larus, professor of political science and international affairs, presented a paper, “The Challenges of Economic and Social Development Faced by the CCP’s Fifth Generation Leaders,” at the International Conference on the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th National Congress – Transition of Power and Policy Outlook [中共『十八大之權 力 傳 承 與 政 策 動 向」國 際 會 議 ], in Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 12-13. Larus was the sole female participant at the two-day conference, and the only participant from a liberal arts university. Professor Larus participated in the conference at the invitation of Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institute for National Policy Research. During the conference’s round table discussion, Larus was able to offer to the diplomatic community in attendance comments on recent developments in China. Elizabeth Freund Larus is author of Politics and Society in Contemporary China.
About Brynn Boyer
Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.
Annas taufan says
I’m Annas Taufan from Indonesia.
When will Elizabeth Larus presents in indonesia especially in University of Indonesia or the other university in Indonesia. I wish Elizabeth Larus will presents in Indonesia like her present in Taiwan. waiting for your response. Thanks.