The following notice is from University Police:
The alleged perpetrator of three recent campus break-ins has been apprehended and arrested.
Late last night, a student observed a break-in occurring in Pollard Hall. The student immediately called University Police. Based on the description provided, an alert was sent out to all area jurisdictions. The City of Fredericksburg Police located the suspect and detained him until University Police arrived to identify and arrest him. Subsequently, based on information obtained during the arrest, University Police and State Police executed a search warrant on the suspect’s residence in the City of Fredericksburg.
The accused, Evan Williams, is not a student. University Police charged him with one count of breaking and entering. Upon further investigation, evidence indicated that the same individual was involved in previous recent break-ins at duPont and Virginia halls. Additional charges are pending as the investigation continues.
Key to resolution of these crimes was the quick and decisive action by a student in providing information.
As a reminder to the University community, the Police Communications Center at Brent House is staffed around the clock. Anyone observing suspicious activity or unsafe conditions should call University Police immediately at 540/654-1025; alternately, dial 4444 from any University phone or go to any exterior blue light station and press the call button. Additionally, anonymous tips or information may be reported to University Police via the Silent Witness web link. Also, for the safety of students, the Police Communications Center provides after-hour safety escorts.