From the Office of Human Resources
MARCH 4 -8, 2013
The State celebrates Telework Awareness Week this week (March 4-8). It is an ideal time for employees and supervisors to discuss teleworking options.
Supervisors and Employees can start by taking time to:
- Read through the UMW Telework Policy and Procedure webpage, including the “Do’s and Don’ts of teleworking” and “Supervisor Tips” ( ) as well as the State Policy at: (
- Discuss whether a specific position is suited for teleworking.
- Discuss timing and impact of teleworking on office operations.
- If teleworking is viable, agree on terms and complete a telework agreement and send it to the HR office.
Did You Know?
- Working from home increases productivity on average 10-20%.
- Teleworking contributes significantly to energy conservation.
- Research shows that teleworking is a desirable employee benefit that leads to higher employee satisfaction.
Questions about teleworking?
Call Cris Dargan in the Office of Human Resources at x1214.