Larry Lehman, professor of mathematics, published the article “Suborder Polynomials Modulo Primes” in the February 2013 issue of JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications. This article relates patterns in recursively defined sequences to the roots over finite fields of a certain class of polynomials.
It is good to see that you are still doing research in algebra. I still recall, when I was chair and looking for a quality mathematician, my conversation with the Department Chair at the University of Virginia. He said you were an excellent and exceptional mathematician, and he highly recommended you as a candidate for a position at UMW. Among all of the faculty at UMW that I worked with, when it came to precision of presentation, I always said that if you wanted to take a class in mathematics, and you wanted a professsor that was consistently logical and precise, take a course taught by Larry Lehman. You are an exceptional person and a world class mathematician.