Hello UMW Community:
Orientation 2013 is well under way and off to a good start! Early feedback from our new families has been great.
You will recall in a message issued on 6/12/2013, the campus community received news of parking restrictions and options in support of the orientation program. After monitoring traffic patterns and daily schedules, we are able to make a few changes that afford our community members a little greater parking flexibility.
Faculty/Staff parking lots in and around GW Hall will be available for UMW community parking today, Thurs. June 20 (only), closed again on Friday, and will re-open for regular use beginning Thurs., June 27.
The Jefferson-Framar Lot that is accessible from College Avenue is now open to all faculty/staff (with several designated spaces reserved).
Original message issued on 6/12:
UMW Campus Community Parking Notice:
In support of UMW New and Transfer Student Orientation, the following parking lot reservations shall apply:
Orientation Guest Parking Only
Weeks of 6/17 – 6/21/13 and 6/24 – 6/27/13
George Washington Hall (GW) lot
Inbound/Outbound Double Drive
Jefferson Square
Jefferson Framar
Marshall/Russell lots
Weeks of 6/18 – 6/21/13 and 6/24 – 6/27/13
Anderson Center
Orientation Guest Parking Only
6/14 and 6/21 (only) Transfer Student Orientation Days
George Washington Hall (GW) lot
Inbound Outbound Double Drive
If you are displaced from the lots listed above during Orientation, UMW FAC/STAFF and Students, with appropriate decals, may park in any available spaces outside the reserved areas during this time, including:
William Street Lot
College Avenue
Jepson Lot
Simpson Lot
Thornton Street Lot
Pizza Hut Lot (in designated spaces)
Alvey Deck
Alvey Lot
Sunken Road Lots
Both Monroe Lots
Both Lee Hall Lots
Please contact the Parking Management Office, extension 1129, with any questions.
Erma A. Baker, Assistant Vice President for Business Services and CPO