September 12, 2024

Patricia Orozco Presents at Conference

On June 20, 2013, Patricia Orozco, lecturer in Modern Languages and Literatures, offered a presentation entitled “Artistic Motivation in Gloria” at the X Congreso Internacional Galdosiano (X Galdosian International Conference), Galdós, Principles of an Era: celebrating 150 years of the arrival of Benito Pérez Galdós to Madrid in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. This conference, celebrated every four years, brings together galdosian scholars to share their research on the works of Benito Pérez Galdós and XIX c. peninsular studies. Dr. Orozco presented part of her research on the theme of the ‘foreigner’ in the works of Galdós and chaired the session titled “Principles of Galdosian Writing”. Approved peer reviewed proceedings of the conference are expected to be published in the coming months. This conference was hosted by the Casa de Colón and Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós.