“Operation STEM Drop” brought laser printers, virtual reality headsets – even robots – to a University of Mary Washington makerspace classroom last week. The story below was originally posted by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD): NSWC Dahlgren Division Gifts STEM Materials to University of Mary Washington By NSWCDD Corporate Communications FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – […]
Disability Studies Course Gains Acceptance at UMW
One in four Americans lives with a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the University of Mary Washington, it’s one in eight. “With those sorts of numbers, it’s mind-boggling [that] disability doesn’t have more automatic inclusion when people think about diversity,” said UMW Professor of English Chris Foss. As the […]
UMW History Professor Nabil Al-Tikriti Receives Prestigious Fulbright Grant
Thanks to a prestigious 2018-2019 Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant, Associate Professor of History and American Studies Nabil Al-Tikriti will spend the next 10 months researching centuries-old manuscripts and archives in Azerbaijan. Al-Tikriti will concentrate on 15th- and 16th- century intellectual history as well as Sufi movements and their connections to the significant political dynasties of […]
Konieczny Presents at American Mathematical Society Meeting
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, gave a talk, A new definition of conjugacy for semigroups, in the Special Session on Recent Trends in Semigroup Theory at the meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 8-9, 2016.
Konieczny Publishes in Semigroup Forum
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, co-authored a research article, Directed graphs of inner translations of semigroups, published in the journal Semigroup Forum.
Fontem Publishes in Annals of Operations Research
Belleh Fontem, assistant professor in the College of Business, recently had his article “An Optimal Stopping Policy for Car Rental Businesses with Purchasing Customers” accepted for publication in Annals of Operations Research. The paper is already online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2240-2.
Business Faculty Article Accepted in AIS Educator Journal
Dave Henderson, Mike Lapke and Chris Garcia, assistant professors in the College of Business, have had their article “SQL Injection: A Demonstration and Implications for Accounting Students” accepted for publication in the AIS Educator Journal.
Rabson Co-edits Anthology of Japanese Literature in Translation
Steve Rabson, Adjunct Instructor at the Leidecker Center for Asian Studies, has published Islands of Protest: Japanese Literature from Okinawa, co-edited with Davinder Bhowmik, from University of Hawaii Press. The anthology presents English translations of fiction, poetry and drama written from the perspectives of an oppressed minority in Japan.
Main Course
Summer session feeds students’ passion for writing
Scanning Through History
Students relive the past using 3-D technology.