July 26, 2024

Fontem and Student’s Research Paper Accepted for Publication

Bellah Fontem, assistant professor in the College of Business, and business student Jeremiah Smith, had a paper accepted for publication by the European Journal of Operational Research. The paper is titled “Analysis of a Chance-Constrained New Product Risk Model with Multiple Customer Classes.”


Fontem Awarded Best Paper Award at INFORMS Conference

Bellah Fontem, assistant professor in the College of Business, received the Best Paper award at the INFORMS conference for “An Optimal Stopping Policy for Car Rental Businesses with Purchasing Customers.” Fontem’s fellow finalists were from Texas A&M and Ohio State. The paper studies revenue-maximizing decision rules for car rental firms that serve both rental and purchasing customers using the same pool of cars.

Business Faculty, Alumna Receive Acceptance for DSI Annual Meeting

Belleh Fontem and Rachel Graefe-Anderson, both assistant professors in the College of Business, along with Hannah Tibbett ’16, report the following acceptance: “Bermudan Put Option Pricing under Risk Aversion in Bilateral Gamma Models,” Proceedings: DSI Annual Meeting,  November 19-22, 2016, Austin, TX.

Fontem Publishes in Annals of Operations Research

Belleh Fontem, assistant professor in the College of Business, recently had his article “An Optimal Stopping Policy for Car Rental Businesses with Purchasing Customers” accepted for publication in Annals of Operations Research. The paper is already online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2240-2.