July 26, 2024

Teachers for Tomorrow Explore UMW’s College of Education

Eighty high-schoolers from Prince William County fanned out across the University of Mary Washington’s Seacobeck Hall earlier this month on a field trip for future educators. The Teachers for Tomorrow participants controlled mini-robots in the makerspace, put their heads together in collaborative classrooms and tapped into the minds of current UMW College of Education (COE) […]

Former Peace Corps Director Urges Service for UMW Education Students

When she arrived in Tunisia to teach English to a roomful of teenagers, former Peace Corps director Jody Olsen, then in her 20s, worried she’d made a mistake. “My first thought was to head for the door,” she said of the 1966 experience that ended up charting her course. Instead, “I said, ‘Good morning, I’m […]

UMW Workshop Shares Makerspace Magic With Stafford Educators

The University of Mary Washington’s College of Education (COE) hosted a hands-on field trip last month for Stafford County Public School teachers, who left with plenty of lessons to take back to their classrooms. The main goal of the day was helping educators discover new, innovative resources to implement into their academic toolkit. Each one […]

UMW and Stafford County Public Schools Awarded Planning Grant for Lab School

The University of Mary Washington in partnership with Stafford County Public Schools has been awarded a College Partnership Laboratory School (Lab School) Planning Grant from the Virginia Department of Education. The $200,000 grant will provide the initial funding for stakeholder engagement and planning, hiring an executive director, building organizational capacity and developing the curriculum for […]

Dahlgren Gift Benefits UMW College of Education

“Operation STEM Drop” brought laser printers, virtual reality headsets – even robots – to a University of Mary Washington makerspace classroom last week. The story below was originally posted by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD): NSWC Dahlgren Division Gifts STEM Materials to University of Mary Washington By NSWCDD Corporate Communications FREDERICKSBURG, Va.  –  […]

UMW To Welcome More Than 1,000 New Students

The University of Mary Washington welcomes new and returning students back to campus this week for the fall 2022 semester, starting with move-in for new students on Wednesday, Aug. 17, and culminating in the campus tradition of Eagle Gathering on Sunday, Aug. 21. Fall classes start Monday, Aug. 22. Enrollment of both first-year and transfer […]

UMW Summer Camp Gives High School Students a Glimpse of College Life

Holding tight to a video camera aimed at his face, high school junior Simon Young became a blur of motion earlier this month, whirling on a whimsical stool in the University of Mary Washington’s Hurley Convergence Center. The experience and its result – a panoramic portrayal of Simon’s dizzying ride on the curious chair – […]

Outstanding Educators Formed Friendship, Path to Success at UMW

[caption id="attachment_164045" align="alignright" width="300"]UMW grads Amelia Carr (left) and Shelby Press met during their first college class and became best friends. Press was named Fairfax County Public Schools’ Outstanding Elementary New Teacher this year. Carr received the honor in 2021. Photo courtesy of Fairfax County Public Schools. UMW grads Amelia Carr (left) and Shelby Press met during their first college class and became best friends. Press was named Fairfax County Public Schools’ Outstanding Elementary New Teacher this year. Carr received the honor in 2021. Photo courtesy of Fairfax County Public Schools.[/caption] When Shelby Press and Amelia Carr walked into their first ever college class at 9 a.m. Monday morning of their freshman fall semester, little did they know they were about to embark on a lasting friendship. As they began talking, they realized they had a lot in common. They had both played field hockey, they both wanted to be teachers and they graduated from rival schools in Fairfax County: Edison High School and Hayfield Secondary School. The two became so close over the next few months, they decided to become roommates their sophomore year. The pair pursued the same path at the University of Mary Washington, both earning a master’s degree through UMW’s College of Education. Seven years later, Press and Carr, who are still roommates, now have something else in common. They’ve both been recognized at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Honors as the Outstanding Elementary New Teacher. Press, a second-grade teacher at Riverside Elementary School in Alexandria, received the honor this year. Carr, a kindergarten teacher at Bucknell Elementary School in Alexandria, received the award in 2021. Read more.

UMW Graduates Class of 2022

The University of Mary Washington conferred undergraduate and graduate degrees upon a total of 1,163 students during its 111th Commencement ceremony, held on Saturday, May 7, at 9 a.m. on Ball Circle. The University awarded three Master of Geospatial Analysis degrees, 34 Master of Business Administration degrees, 62 Master of Education degrees, 47 Master of […]

Class of 2022: Stellar Student Stories, Part 1 of 3

The Class of 2022 began freshman year like any other, swept up in longstanding University of Mary Washington traditions like Move-In Day, Eagle Gathering and Honor Convocation. That all changed when they were sophomores. Classes went online, study abroad trips were postponed and everything – activities, internships and volunteer experiences – became virtual. But these […]