Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, Normal subsemigroups of finite transformation semigroups, in the journal Semigroup Forum.
Konieczny Publishes in Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, co-authored a research article, Matrix theory for independence algebras, published in the journal Linear Algebra and Its Applications. His Erdős number is now 2.
Konieczny Publishes in Semigroup Forum
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, Semigroups of transformations whose restrictions belong to a given semigroup, in the journal Semigroup Forum.
Konieczny Publishes in International Journal of Group Theory
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, Maximal abelian subgroups of the finite symmetric group, in the International Journal of Group Theory.
Konieczny Publishes His 50th Research Article
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, The structure of centralizers in the finite symmetric inverse semigroup, in the journal Communications in Algebra. This research was supported by a 2018–19 University of Mary Washington Faculty Research Grant.
Konieczny has published 50 research articles in 29 mathematics journals, including Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Journal of Algebra, European Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, and Israel Journal of Mathematics.
Konieczny Publishes in Semigroup Forum
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, co-authored a research article, Semigroups of partial transformations with kernel and image restricted by an equivalence, published in the journal Semigroup Forum.
Konieczny Presents at Joint Mathematics Meetings
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, gave a talk, Maximal Commutative Subsemigroups of a Finite Semigroup, at the AMS Special Session on Recent Trends in Semigroup Theory, at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver Colorado, January 2020. The talks at the special session were by invitation only. Konieczny’s talk contained the research done during the sabbatical leave in the fall of 2017.
Konieczny Publishes in Journal of Algebra
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, co-authored a research article, Conjugacy in inverse semigroups, published in the Journal of Algebra. The journal’s website reads:
“The Journal of Algebra is a leading international journal and publishes papers that demonstrate high quality research results in algebra and related computational aspects. Only the very best and most interesting papers are to be considered for publication in the journal. With this in mind, it is important that the contribution offer a substantial result that will have a lasting effect upon the field.”
Konieczny Publishes in Algebra Colloquium
Janusz Konieczny, professor of mathematics, published a research article, The semigroup of surjective transformations on an infinite set, in the journal Algebra Colloquium. This research has been supported by a 2015–16 University of Mary Washington Faculty Research Grant.