September 8, 2024

Highlights of the October UFC Meeting

The UFC met on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Provost Jonathan Levin announced the reopening of a search for the director of academic and career services, as well as a search for the associate provost for enrollment management. Dean Lynne Richardson reported that the College of Business has submitted its eligibility application, the first step towards AACSB accreditation. She also announced the suspension of admissions to the M.S. in management information systems program due to low enrollments.

Next followed the continuing discussion of the strategic resource reallocation initiative, specifically faculty and staff responses to the templates and training to complete the templates.

V.P. for Student Affairs Doug Searcy and Meg Higgenbothem responded to faculty concerns (compiled by the UFC) about last summer’s new student orientation. The new plans involve reducing the student-staff ratio for the advising/registration sessions, and moving transfer advising/registration to later in the summer. There was also discussion of how to better manage seats for incoming students. Convocation will be moved from Sunday night before classes start to Friday night.

Provost Levin announced a new policy for summer school compensation of faculty, with details to be provided later.

Discussion moved to the vision for UMW over the next decade, and in particular how to differentiate UMW from competing schools. The UFC suggested that faculty be more involved in the conversation, and that suggestion was well received.

Finally, the UCC Action Items and WI Action Items were approved

More information on these items can be found in the formal meeting minutes.