September 8, 2024

UMW to Commemorate Veterans Day, Nov. 11

On Monday, Nov. 11, UMW’s Association of Student Veterans (ASV) and the Army ROTC will observe Veterans Day.  The Army ROTC, under the command of cadet Jeremy Hillberry, will raise the flag at George Washington Hall at 8 a.m. and at Mary Washington Hospital at 5 p.m. The ASV will hold a remembrance event on Ball Circle from 4 to 6 p.m. on Monday with free food and an opportunity to meet with campus vets and leave messages of support.

A recently released survey of UMW students shows nearly 350 students (7.3 percent of the student body) are either veterans or children or spouses using military benefits.

“We created the survey to gain a more accurate picture of the number of veteran students, their demographics and needs so that we can make recommendations for changes in services available, and also to help raise awareness as to the number of veterans, and the nature of their unique situation at UMW,” said Daniel Nelson, staff counselor in the Counseling and Psychological Services Center.

The major concerns that students reported on the survey were consistent with what other institutions have reported, namely a concern with work/life balance, the need for a sense of community, and the need for well-defined policies about deployment.

For more information about the survey, contact Nelson at

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.