The following message is from Parking Management:
To: Students, Fac/Staff, and University Contractors
Greetings Campus Community !
In anticipation of the upcoming Spring Break schedule, and with the possibility of inclement weather during the break, we ask that all vehicles left on campus unattended follow standard UMW rules for inclement weather.
ALL unattended vehicles during Spring Break may be parked in any of the following locations:
-Alvey Drive parking deck (floors 1,2 and 3)
-Sunken Road lot # 11 & # 13 located next to Alvey Deck
-Battlefield lot #33 located on Hanover street
Eagle Landing residents should leave unattended vehicles on the covered floors of that deck (levels 3 & 4).
It is essential that all departments with UMW assigned vehicles also adhere to this request.
In the event of bad weather, this plan will support an effective and efficient lot clean-up. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support.
In the event of a Snow Emergency Declaration, all other lots/areas will need to be clear of vehicles, and follow any other Declaration instructions.
All designated handicapped parking spaces, except those at Woodard Campus Center, are exempt and those spaces remain accessible.
Please contact the Parking Management Office with any questions.
Robin L. Jones
UMW Parking Management Supervisor
1301 College Avenue
Lee Hall 201B
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 654-1129(540) 654-1129