July 26, 2024

News from Human Resources

Meet our New Employees:

Please join us in extending a warm UMW welcome to our newest employee: Kelly Shannon joined the Campus Recreation Department as a Yoga/Aerobics Instructor on March 13.

Employee Recognition Programs:

Have  one of your employees gone above and beyond to complete a project, come up with a money saving idea for your department/the university, gone the extra mile (again and again) or done something else terrific? Please remember we have some great Employee Recognition programs available:

#1 Fan Program

WOW card program

UMW Jeans Pass

If you have questions about any of the above programs please contact Jennifer Cooper at jcooper4@umw.edu

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Administrative Professional Day:  The University will provide a complimentary lunch to our administrative support professionals,  on Wednesday, April 23, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Faculty Staff Dining Hall.  Supervisors are encouraged to send their administrative support professionals for their free lunch.
  • The Administrative Professional Seminar Program is at Germanna Community College is April 24.  While each department would be responsible for the registration fee for their employee(s),  because of our ever increasing attendance, UMW will receive a $18 discount per person ($71 rather than $89).  In order to receive the discount please write UMW for Chapter Name on the registration form. The fee includes the day’s events as well as a continental breakfast and boxed lunch.  The registration deadline is April 15. 
  • Open Enrollment for Health Insurance and Flexible Spending Accounts  is  May 1 – May 23:  more details coming out in late April.  Additional information will be posted on our website, emailed and mailed to your home address.
  • Annual Employee Appreciation Day on Monday, May 12 – more details to come!

Annual Awards:

Nominations are now being accepted for the following University annual awards:

  • Charles Coleman Memorial Service Award (supervisor nominations only)
  • Richard V. and Rosemary A. Hurley Presidential Commendation
  • Staff Advisory Council’s Larry Atkins Staff Awards

Leadership UMW:

New this fall …LEADERSHIP  UMW… our very own professional  development program for UMW employees.  Leadership UMW will pilot its first cohort of  12 faculty and staff in September 2014.  Participants will complete self- and multi-rater feedback assessments, establish development plans,  learn how to motivate and improve team performance, learn the inner workings of UMW, and partner with a  senior level UMW mentor.  Make an investment in YOU! Applications are now being accepted.

Visit http://adminfinance.umw.edu/hr/employee-development-program-2/leadership-umw for more information and the online application.

For questions about Leadership UMW, please contact members of the Leadership UMW  team:  Sabrina Johnson (sjohnson), Lynne Richardson (lrichar2), Mark Safferstone (msaffers), and Golda Eldridge (geldridg).

As stated in the program materials, your supervisor must approve participation in the Leadership UMW program.  An email message will be sent to him / her to solicit that approval.  Your application and your Supervisor’s approval must be submitted on / before April 15.  If you are applying to this program, please touch base with your supervisor to remind him / her that approval is due on / before April 15.