The following message is from the Offices of Emergency Management and Safety, and Information Security:
UMW is launching a new emergency alert system. To receive notices, faculty, staff and students must register with the new system; you can customize the ways you want to receive emergency notices– by text, phone and/or email.
You will have in your inbox soon a message from UMW Emergency Management with a link to the UMW Alerts system and step-by-step instructions to sign up. Please register at that time and encourage everyone in the UMW community to sign up, too. If you fail to register, you will learn of campus emergencies only via UMW email.
Message from Ray Usler – UMW Information Security Officer:
We understand that this email may look like spam and we at the University appreciate you continued security awareness. In this case, it is a legitimate email and we ask that you please register. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly at or 540-654-2152. You may also contact the IT Help Desk at or 540-654-2255.
For more information, please contact Chris Cash in Emergency Management and Safety at