July 26, 2024

Nabil Al-Tikriti Discusses Obama Speech on Iraq/Syria on KPFK Radio Station

Prof. Nabil Al-Tikriti

Nabil Al-Tikriti

On Thursday, September 11, 2014, Associate Professor of History and American Studies Nabil Al-Tikriti appeared on Los Angeles-based KPFK’s “Radio Uprising” program to discuss President Obama’s speech the previous evening concerning the latest developments in Iraq and Syria. Hosted by Sonali Kolhatkar, Al-Tikriti was also joined by Marjorie Cohn, professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, and author of the forthcoming book “Drones, Targeted Killings: Legal, Moral, Geopolitical Issues.”

The segment lasted just over 34 minutes, and can be screened via this podcast: http://uprisingradio.org/home/2014/09/11/facts-behind-the-rhetoric-an-in-depth-analysis-of-obamas-speech-on-isis/.

In the course of this discussion, Al-Tikriti described the regional factors which contributed to the rise of the “Islamic State,” the role played by certain U.S. regional allies, the legacy of the 2003 Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, and the difficulties to be faced by Washington policymakers in the days to come.