September 11, 2024

Budget Reduction Strategies

To the campus community:

The development of a comprehensive set of strategies to address the university’s budget shortfall is nearing completion. In general, the approach includes the identification of university-wide savings that can be taken right off the top and then allocating the balance of the reduction requirement across the various divisions with the aim of protecting academic and student service programs.

In terms of university-wide actions, two strategies have been approved for implementation. First, we are instituting a temporary suspension of in-band salary adjustments, as well as bonuses for attaining certificates, licenses, and degrees.

Second, we are suspending the tuition assistance program beginning with the spring 2015 semester. Any tuition assistance previously approved for the fall 2014 semester remains in place.

I wanted to let you know of these suspensions as soon as possible so that you can adjust your plans and expectations.

I know these benefits have become a part of the culture of UMW. Please be assured that these are viewed as short-term actions and that we look forward to restoring them in the future.

Should you have any questions about these programs, please contact the Office of Human Resources.


Rick Pearce


  1. Angry Employee says

    It truly shows how much the University “cares” about their employees when we are so broke now that employees can no longer take classes. If we are in that bad of shape, time to shut the doors. When a University can no longer afford to teach employees, we are done…..