September 10, 2024

Professors Hold Panel to Discuss U.S. Military Policy in Syria and Iraq


Map of Shared Boarder Between Syria and Iraq

Map of Shared Boarder Between Syria and Iraq

Professors Nabil Al-Tikriti, Ranjit Singh, Jason Davidson and Eric Bonds held a panel discussion on Nov. 11 entitled “OUR NEWEST WAR: UNDERSTANDING U.S. MILITARY POLICY IN IRAQ AND SYRIA.”  The panel participants provided an overview of this policy that, since September, has included bombing missions and missile strikes in both countries to “degrade and defeat” the Islamic State, while the U.S. government is also arming and training – or has plans to train – Syrian and Iraqi combatants.  The panelists went on to evaluate this policy from their own professional perspectives and to discuss how it might develop in the future.  There was a great student turnout, so the panelists would like to thank all faculty who announced this event in their classes.