The following information is from the Finance Office, including important Accounts Payable and Payroll information:
Accounts Payable:
- The mileage rate changed to $.575 effective for travel taking place January 1, 2015 and after. Please use the correct Travel Expenses Reimbursement Form located on the Accounts Payable website.
- Reminder that travel reimbursements submitted after 90 days from the end of the travel date are taxed and paid through Payroll in accordance with the IRS regulations.
All full-time and part-time classified and administrative faculty employees, please turn in all leave slips for all time taken through January 9, 2015 by close of business January 9. This will assist in preparing for classified year end rollover and our transition to MyTime. As soon as W2’s are available on Payline you will be notified.
MyTime is live on January 12 for wage and student employees along with their respective supervisor (Phase 1 of MyTime). MyTime will be accessible from the UMW homepage toolbar. Please make sure to use the toolbar link as the link that is provided in training is to our TEST environment. Reminder that login credentials are your Net ID and password. Paper timesheets for wage and student employees will not be accepted after January 11pay period end date. Please turn in all timesheets no later than noon on January 12.
MyTime reminders:
- Additional training sessions for wage and student employees and their supervisors have been established – register here if you have not already attended – evening classes are included.
- Supervisors may need to edit their employees’ MyTime timecards for those unable to access MyTime.
- Employees using the time clocks use their EagleOne card.
- Computers must be updated with Java 7 – all lab computers have been updated to support MyTime.
- Direct any issues with MyTime to the UMW Help Desk.
- Updated training materials will be posted to the Payroll website, including new features not available at training.
- Email reminders about time card approvals will be sent from MyTime to your UMW email.
- Reminder for student employees – they must have a completed work authorization letter from the Office of Financial Aid before working.
- Paper biweekly timesheets are no longer accepted after the December 29 to January 11 pay period.
- Student were paid early on December 31 instead of January 16 for all work completed through December 12 – their next pay date is February 6, 2015.
- Student supervisors, please be alert to email notices from the Office of Financial Aid.
Happy New Year. Please contact me with any questions.
Allyson P. Moerman, CPA.CITP, CGFM, CGMA
Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller