September 12, 2024

A Message from President Hurley

To all UMW Employees,

The University of Mary Washington has embarked upon an important project to move our payroll process into the modern digital world.  After an extensive period of planning and preparation, the My Time system was successfully launched in January for nearly 700 student workers and more than 120 wage employees.  Ultimately, the use of My Time will be required for all UMW employees, with the exception of teaching faculty who do not supervise.  The second implementation phase will take place later this month.

We realize that implementation of any major new system can be challenging.  However, we are convinced that the process improvements to be realized through My Time far outweigh any short term challenges associated with bringing up the system.  We urge your patience and support as we all make the adjustments necessary for success.

It is important to note that our policies related to time and attendance are not changing; rather, our processes are simply being automated.  My Time will eliminate our antiquated, labor intensive, and error prone paper system.  It will provide employees and supervisors with real-time leave balances and will automate the leave request and approval process.  Once fully implemented, My Time will eliminate the need to keep any paper records—all will be maintained and managed electronically.

Please watch for additional details from the My Time implementation team.  It is important that all of us attend the required training sessions to learn more about the system, so that it can be fully implemented as efficiently and rapidly as possible.  It is especially important that supervisors participate as requested to ensure that all employees are paid on time.

Thank you for your valuable service to the University of Mary Washington and for your commitment to the successful implementation of My Time.  This project is another important step in moving us forward into the digital era.

We also want to acknowledge and thank the members of the My Time implementation and training team who have worked tirelessly and performed in an exceptional manner.


Richard V. Hurley



Jonathan Levin



Richard Pearce

Vice President for Administration and Finance