July 26, 2024

We Need Your Help to Make the UMW Website Better

We all get stuck in a tangle of links, but you can help us clear out the cobwebs on the UMW site by spending a few minutes showing us where and why people get lost. Our navigation study only takes a few minutes, and will really help us make the UMW website better.

Go to http://goo.gl/1xAwCI and follow the instructions. Easy!

This study is the first of many navigation tests we’ll launch in the coming months. Stay tuned for outcomes of this and future web efforts.


  1. K. Elaine Williams says

    Hello Ms. Keith–

    I am an alumna who has developed some opinions about how UMW does not adequately use its website for marketing purposes. First of all, I want you to know that I think the website’s home page is visually appealing. However, there is not enough of the kind of information that will draw in a high school junior or senior or their parents.

    * Do students at UMW have social/entertainment activities? If so, a high school student
    contemplating applying to college would have a hard time seeing anything beyond bingo and
    theological discussions (sole use of the Student Life calendar). Really? Where are the
    concerts and dances?

    * Do UMW grads go to law school, medical school, grad school? Do they get professional
    track jobs ? Other colleges do a better job of conveying this information in an easy-to-find
    way. See American University’s “We Know Success” link. Do UMW grads get Fulbrights or
    other prestigious awards? Are they getting research published? Going on internships. As an
    alum involved at UMW, I know these things are happening, but a prospective student would be
    hard pressed to find them. To lure in high achieving, driven applicants, we have to get this
    information up on the home page.