July 26, 2024

Faculty and Staff Recognized at Appreciation Night

FacultyStaff AppreciationThe UMW Women’s Basketball Team recognized faculty and staff who made an important impact on their lives as a part of  UMW’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night on Wednesday, Feb. 4.

“We are grateful for all that our outstanding faculty do everyday and we are pleased to be able to recognize them,” said Ken Tyler, director of athletics. “UMW has winners in academics and athletics, and we all work together to make UMW a special place.”

The following faculty and staff members were recognized during halftime:

Lynn Richardson, Business

Woody Richardson, Business

Jennifer Magee, Math

Eric Bonds, Sociology

Jeremy Larochelle, Spanish

Stephen Davies, Computer Science

Venitta McCall, Education

Susan Fernsebner, History

Porter Blackemore 

Frank Powell, Staff

Kelli Slunt, Chemistry

Laura Wilson, Psychology

Grace Braxton, Staff

Dr. Dave Kolar, Pyschology

Clarence Tweedy, English