American Red Cross Spring Blood Drive
The American Red Cross will be sponsoring a blood drive at the Stafford Campus on Wednesday, March 25 from 1-5 p.m. in University Hall.
The worthy cause always needs new support, along with continuing donors. Here are some of the facts:
- Only 37% of Americans are eligible to give blood
- Less than 10% of eligible Americans actually do give blood
- Someone needs blood every two seconds
- One pint of blood can save up to three lives
If you are interested in donating, please respond to Kevin Caffrey,, with one or two preferred times that you would like to donate. You can choose any time in increments of 15 minutes from 1-4:45 (i.e. 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, etc.) If you cannot donate, please feel free to spread the word about the blood drive to anyone who might be interested – students, friends, family members, coworkers—anyone at all.