The following message is from the Office of Parking Management.
Greetings Campus Community:
UMW will host new students for Summer Orientation during the second half of June. This process is very important to help our new students and their families acclimate to the University community. Your support in creating a welcoming atmosphere for these campus guests is greatly appreciated.
As part of this process, the orientation committee has outlined the needed parking for orientation. This may alter where you will need to park during these days.
UMW Campus Community Parking Notice:
In support of UMW New Student Orientation, the following parking lot reservations shall apply.
NOTE: This does not include handicap parking spaces; if you are eligible, those spaces remain available.
Orientation Student/Guest Parking Only
6/16/15 Transfer Orientation
GW lot
InBound Double Drive
OutBound Double Drive
6/17/15 STP Move-In/Ceremony
Jefferson Square
6/17- 6/18/15 & 6/22/15 through 6/25/15 Note: these areas are not reserved on 6/19 and 6/26
George Washington Hall (GW) lot
Inbound/Outbound Double Drive
6/17-6/19/15 & 6/22/15 through 6/26/15
Marshall/Russell lots
Jefferson Square
6/18- 6/19/15 & 6/23/15 through 6/26/15
Anderson Center reserved for Handicapped
Contact Parking Management with questions, 540-654-1129,
or via email: Robin Jones, Parking Management Supervisor