September 13, 2024

Windows 10 at UMW

This message is from the UMW IT Help Desk:

On July 29th, Microsoft releases the new Windows 10 operating system. This OS is a free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8 computers, and Microsoft is providing ways for users to download and install it on or shortly after July 29th.  At this time, UMW IT staff asks that you DO NOT upgrade any UMW-owned computers to Windows 10.

As with any new operating system, the UMW IT staff will need some time to test Windows 10 to understand that it operates as we expect, works with all of our systems, and that sufficient antivirus and other software is compatible and available.  In most cases, we have set up UMW-owned Windows 7 computers so they WILL NOT automatically upgrade to Windows 10.  If your UMW-owned system does ask you to upgrade, please DO NOT upgrade, but instead contact the Help Desk and our staff will follow up.

Some UMW-owned computers running Windows 8 may receive notifications from Microsoft asking them to upgrade to Windows 10.  For the same reasons stated above, DO NOT upgrade at this time.

Personally owned Windows 7 and 8 machines will also have the opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10 at no cost.  It is certainly your decision to upgrade your personal computer, but until we better understand how Windows 10 interacts with UMW systems, we recommend that you delay the upgrade, especially if you have special needs and configurations necessary to connect to specialized systems (VPN, Banner INB, MyTime, etc.) or for working remotely.  If you do upgrade a personally owned computer, please understand that the Help Desk will initially have very limited ability to diagnose or fix issues related to a Windows 10 upgrade. We will do our best to assist, but there may be some issues that take time to resolve, or may only be resolved by rolling back to Windows 7 or 8.  The Help Desk will not be in a position to assist users in such a roll back to Windows 7 or 8 on their personal machines.  If you upgrade and need to roll back, you should plan to have that work performed on your own.

UMW IT will be looking at Windows 10 immediately as we expect new personally owned computers (faculty, staff and students) to have Windows 10 installed by default soon after release.  We expect to have some preliminary testing of Windows 10 completed by mid August.  IT staff will follow up with the community on their recommendations for Windows 10 at that time.

All UMW labs, classrooms and conference spaces will continue to use Windows 7 for the entire 2015-16 academic year.

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns.

Phone:  540-654-2255 In Person:  ITCC Room 112 Email: Website: