September 7, 2024

A Message from President Hurley about the CVC Campaign Kick-Off

Dear Colleagues,

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) officially kicks off Wednesday, October 7. CVC is the tool that facilitates state employee workplace giving. It is a voluntary employee charitable giving program, which raises funds for numerous nonprofit health and humanitarian organizations throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Employees have donated more than $41,000,000 since 1998 to participating non-profit organizations through CVC!  More than 1,000 charities participate in CVC’s annual campaign, which runs from the first Wednesday in October through the end of December each year. Employees may designate their gift to a specific charity or multiple charities within the program by giving a one-time donation or through payroll deduction. Participation is possible through CVC online, with the fillable pledge form (attached), or you can request paper pledge forms by writing or calling Lori Izykowski (654-1361). Any questions should also be directed to Lori.

You can also participate in CVC through direct giving. In fact, chances are you’ve already made a donation to a participating CVC charity. Simply look the charity up here; if you see your charity listed, just forward a copy of the receipt to Lori Izykowski or by campus mail to the JAEC, and she will be sure your donation gets credited to the UMW giving total. It is important to note that each donation will also help the charity meet their minimum designation to be included in the CVC the next year. CVC also coordinates Special Funds Drives in times of emergencies, resulting in thousands of dollars in aid. CVC sends 100% of each designated gift to the organization selected by the employee.

Why Give to the CVC?

  1. All charities participating in the CVC have been pre-screened to ensure that they are fiscally sound and that they perform the services stated.
  2. Payroll deduction allows you to budget your contribution throughout the year through regular automated giving.
  3. 100% of your designated contribution goes to the charity or charities stated. No administrative fees are taken by the CVC on designated contributions through workplace giving.
  4. Giving through the CVC minimizes the intrusive personal solicitation that might occur if you participate in multiple direct fundraising drives. While we have no control over the solicitation calls at home from charities, state employees should not be solicited by non-profits at work sites.
  5. The CVC operates for and by state employees under the Executive Order of the Governor (#27-2014).
  6. There are many opportunities to give. The CVC accepts contributions from employees via cash, check, payroll deduction, stock or credit card gifts.

Faculty and staff department heads, please ensure that all staff members receive notice of the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign by posting this message in a common area. Look for CVC spotlights and updates in Eagle Eye between now and the winter break.

Thank you in advance for your participation and commitment in support of non-profits throughout the Commonwealth.

Richard V. Hurley
