The following message is from the Office of the President:
To Members of the UMW Community,
On Wednesday, Nov. 11, our nation will observe Veterans Day. While classes will proceed as usual on that day, I encourage all members of the University of Mary Washington community to reflect upon the importance of this date and take time to remember and honor the men and women veterans who have served, or are serving, our country’s armed forces. Many have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.
The UMW Association of Student Veterans is hosting a number of campus events on Wednesday to celebrate Veteran’s Day. The first is a flag raising on Jefferson Square at 7:30 a.m. In addition, the group will have a table with baked goods at the University Center and an obstacle course on Ball Circle during lunchtime. They encourage you to challenge your friends to get the fastest time through the course. There will be a slide show with veteran’s pictures running on EagleVision through the day. Finally, veterans are invited to take the opportunity to show pride in your branch and service by wearing hats, shirts, jackets, etc. with your unit or service logos. This will allow us all to recognize our veterans and to thank them for their service.
Please join me on November 11 in reflecting upon and giving tribute to the many veterans who are among our student body, faculty, and staff here at the University of Mary Washington, as well as their family members and others who have honorably served our nation.
Thank you.
Richard V. Hurley