If you have not voted for new members of the S.A.C., please take a moment to cast your ballot: Cast your ballot!
The Staff Advisory Council (S.A.C.) represents the interests of wage, classified, and administrative professional employees throughout the University of Mary Washington. We so appreciate those who have served on the Council; it is now time to elect the next group of S.A.C. members. Thirteen of your colleagues have agreed – should they be elected – to take up the challenge to represent you as a member of the S.A.C..
Each nominee was asked to provide a brief statement about why s/he is interested in serving on the S.A.C. Each candidate was also asked to indicate how s/he feels the S.A.C. can partner with the next UMW President. The panel of candidates and their statements are available on the S.A.C. Website. Once you have reviewed the information, please take a moment to vote for your colleagues.
The 2015 Election will close at 5pm on November 16.
Thank you for your time, your support, and thoughtful consideration of nominees for the S.A.C.
Elections Committee Staff Advisory Council