The following message is from the Office of Emergency Management and Safety:
Last semester, the University switched to a new and improved emergency notification provider, RAVE Safety Mobility. Shortly, all new incoming students and new employees will receive an important email directly from RAVE asking them to log in to the new system. Please know that the University has sanctioned that email, and it is essential that you follow the instructions contained in that email.
If you are a member of the UMW community and have not registered for UMW Alerts, we urge you to visit Click on the “Register” tab in the far right-hand corner. After you submit your information, you will receive a message from Christopher Cash in Emergency Management and Safety inviting you to create an account. Once the account is created, please log in to the site and follow the instructions to customize how and in what order you prefer to receive the emergency notices. Please make sure to save your changes.
If you already have registered and want to make updates to your account, please log in to the site at and follow the instructions.
For more information, please contact Christopher Cash at