For questions on the nomination processes, please contact Jennifer Cooper ( or Terri Lockhart ( in the Office of Human Resources regarding the Coleman and Hurley awards.
It’s time to submit nominations for the Richard V. and Rosemary A. Hurley Presidential Commendation.
The deadline for submitting nominations is 2 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2016.
Please visit the University Recognition Awards webpage for award selection criteria, nomination procedures and the online nomination form.
- Richard V. and Rosemary A. Hurley Presidential Commendation. The intent of this award is to honor Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, who have consistently demonstrated a desire to recognize and reward outstanding service of University employees, and who have led by example in their work at Mary Washington. The benefactors of the award are Elmer and Marceline Weatherly Morris, Class of 1950. Eligibility for this award is open to UMW employees, with preference for administrative/professional faculty members.
In order for President Hurley to participate in his final award presentation, the winner will receive the award and will be announced in May. Acknowledgments will also be made during the Fall 2016 staff gathering.
Nominations for the Charles Coleman Memorial Service Award and the Staff Advisory Council’s Larry Atkins Staff Awards will be due in the fall to be awarded during our Fall Staff Gathering. More information to come.