September 13, 2024

FLSA Implementation Updates

Thank you for attending the FLSA @ UMW information sessions.  Your participation and input has been invaluable to our understanding of how the new FLSA salary rule impacts work at UMW.   The FLSA @ UMW Information Session presentation and FAQ’s have been updated to reflect implementation decisions to date.

Highlights and Key Reminders:

  • There will be no salary adjustments to meet the new salary threshold. All classified and A/P faculty with salaries below the threshold, with the exception of those who teach, will become non-exempt effective November 10, Supervisors will work with employees to monitor work schedules and manage hours worked.  A review of the impact of the new rule will be ongoing and will provide the basis of any additional steps to support university operations.
  • Employees who become non-exempt due to the new salary threshold and their supervisors will receive an official email notice of this change.
  • The university has adopted the use of overtime leave in addition to overtime pay.  The overtime leave policy will be finalized and published prior to November 10, 2016.
  • A/P faculty will begin to report leave in MyTime using quarter-hour increments effective November 10, 2016.
  • The work schedule for all exempt classified and A/P faculty will change from a 40 hour work schedule to an 80 hour work schedule with the implementation of the new FLSA rule.  November 14, 2016 will be the first day of the new two week schedule.
  • The university continues to explore its policy requiring non-exempt employees to punch in and out of MyTime.  Please expect to receive an update as soon as a final determination is made.
  • TESS will be sending an email about MyTime training sessions shortly.

Please feel free to  submit any questions or concerns about implementation of the new FLSA rule to the Office of Human Resources at  Ask a Question.  We will get back with you promptly.