Multicultural Fair Volunteers Needed: The Multicultural Fair is Saturday, April 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. James Farmer Multicultural Center is seeking volunteers — students, faculty and staff can contribute in a multitude of ways by helping with set-up/take-down, serving as an MC for stage performances, helping to hand out programs and helping to keep our campus clean during the Fair. Visit their website to complete the form and let us know if you are interested in volunteering. If you have any questions, please email JoAnna Raucci at or call the James Farmer Multicultural Center at 540/654-1044.
UMW Book Club: The UMW Book Club will meet on Wednesday, April 19, from noon to 1 p.m. in Lee Hall, Room 414. The book to be discussed is A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley. It’s the story of a 5-year-old Indian boy who becomes separated from his small village family and ends up on the streets of Calcutta. It is the subject of the current movie Lion. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book at the Book Club discount, please contact Margaret Mock at ext. 1017 or
April SAC Meeting: Our April meeting will be Thursday, April 20, at the Stafford Campus South Building Room 208 at 1 p.m. You do not have to be a member of the S.A.C. to attend – all are welcome!
Excellent Eagle Employee Program: Nominate your co-workers, supervisor or employees for the Excellent Eagle Employee award. It’s easy! Just complete the Excellent Eagle Employee nomination form on our website. Take some time to nominate someone today! Winners get reserved parking on campus for the month.
#1 F.A.N. (Fantastic Action Noticed) In addition to the Excellent Eagle program, you can also recognize a colleague using HR’s #1 F.A.N. program. Did you experience exceptional customer service or awesome collaboration? If so, nominate the person or people involved in that experience. Complete the #1 F.A.N. form on the HR website, and your colleague will be able to choose a UMW spirit item as a token of appreciation.
Newsletter, Social Media and Other Information: You’ll find important information in SAC’s monthly newsletter. Check it out and all of the information on our website, including a list of our new members. If you’re on Twitter, be sure to follow us @UMW_S.A.C.!