The following message is from the UMW Foundation.
Dear Members of the UMW Community,
The UMW Foundation has installed a new phone system at its offices, which has required the Foundation to assign new phone numbers to all its staff. The new numbers are as follows:
- (540) 479-1890– Peggy Simpkins
- (540) 479-1892– Jeff Rountree
- (540) 479-1893– Greg Branner
- (540) 479-1895– Jean Stumbaugh
- (540) 479-1896– Ann Hodges
- (540) 479-1897– Shannon Williams
- (540) 479-1891– Foundation conference room
- (540) 479-1870– Foundation main fax line
Of course any staff personal mobile phone numbers you may have will remain unchanged as will all Foundation email addresses. If you are calling from a campus phone, please note that you will no longer be able to dial only the 4-digit extensions to reach the Foundation offices. You will need to dial all Foundation numbers in the same way you place calls to other local external phone numbers.
We have updated our contact information on the UMW Foundation website at If you find yourself unable to reach us and you misplace this email message, please access the website and follow the “Board and Staff” menu selection to locate our new voice numbers.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or issues you may encounter. Thank you for your patience and assistance during this transition!
Kindest regards,
Gregory A. Branner ‘85, CPA, CGMA
Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
University of Mary Washington Foundation
1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 200
Fredericksburg, VA 22401-8447
Voice: (540) 479-1893
Mobile: (540) 760-2212