The following message is from the Office of the President:
Dear Campus,
In light of the Fredericksburg City Council’s recent decisions concerning public access to parking on public streets adjacent or near campus, I am appointing a Campus Parking Task Force to recommend what changes, if any, UMW must now make to ensure adequate parking for employees and students.
The city council voted in August to restrict daily parking to two-hours on parts of College Avenue adjacent to campus and parking in the surrounding neighborhoods of College Heights and College Terrace to residents only. These changes go into effect January 1, 2018.
The task force will be chaired by Lynne Richardson, Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration, and will include:
- Charles Tate, Student Success Coordinator
- Gregg Stull, Chair and Professor of Theatre
- Melissa Yakabouski, Director of Admissions
- Jean Elliott, Parking Management Supervisor
- Justin Rivera, Student
- John Wiltenmuth, Associate Vice President, Facilities Services
I want to thank these dedicated members of the Mary Washington community for their service. It is important work that must be done within a tight timeframe, so we all owe them our gratitude.
Troy Paino