July 26, 2024

SAC Meeting, Chili Cook Off Set

February SAC Meeting – The first SAC meeting of the new year will take place on Thursday February 15th at 1PM in the Colonnade Room (315) of the University Center.  Our Guest Speakers will be Dr. Eric Bonds, Associate Professor Sociology & Anthropology and Faculty Co-chair of the President’s Council on Sustainability (PCS) and Taryn Lemmon, Student Co-chair of the PCS.  Formed in 2009, the President’s Council on Sustainability (PCS) consists of faculty, staff and students and plays a critical role in shaping administrative goals and objectives relating to university sustainability.  Eric and Taryn will give an overview of the council and touch upon some of its prior accomplishments as well as its goals for the future.  You do NOT have to be a member of SAC to attend monthly meetings.

4th Annual Willy Nilly Chili Cook Off!  SAVE THE DATE!  The 4th Annual Willy Nilly Chili Cook Off will take place on Tuesday March 6th from 11:30am – 1PM in the Chandler Ballroom of the University Center.

Do you have a great chili recipe or delicious cornbread you think everyone would love to try? Do you want to try winning one of the 3 prizes for having the best chili or cornbread? Sign up HERE to bring your best recipes and compete in the chili cook-off!  If you don’t want to compete and you just enjoy sampling chili, come with your friends and colleagues to taste chili and cornbread with SAC members! The chili goes fast so make sure you come early!

Don’t Forget!  Show your colleagues some appreciation!  With the Excellent Eagle Employee Program, you can nominate your co-workers, supervisor or employees for the Excellent Eagle Employee award. It’s easy! Just complete the Excellent Eagle Employee nomination form on our website. Take some time to nominate someone today! Winners get reserved parking on campus for the month.  Additionally, there is the #1 F.A.N. (Fantastic Action Noticed) program.  Did you experience exceptional customer service or awesome collaboration? If so, nominate the person or people involved in that experience. Complete the #1 F.A.N. form on the HR website, and your colleague will be able to choose a UMW spirit item as a token of appreciation.