September 7, 2024

Broome Contributes to Award-Winning Book

John P. Broome, associate professor of education in the College of Education, co-authored “Before You Click ‘Share’: Mindful Media Literacy as a Positive Civic Act” in the recently published book, “Critical Media Literacy and Fake News in Post-Truth America“, published by Brill. This book recently won the “2019 Divergent Award for Excellence in 21st Century Literacies Research” by the Initiative for 21st Century Literacies Research.

His chapter, written with Dr. Jason Endacott (University of Arkansas), Matthew Dingler (University of Arkansas), and Seth French (University of Arkansas), provides classroom strategies for developing media literacy skills that emphasize substantiation and critical reflection on bias. These skills are then situated within the context of information sharing as a civic act, prompting students to consider the potential democratic consequences for clicking the “share” button.

Dr. Broome’s research interests focus on the intersection of civic learning and social justice in schools with a focus on race, equity, and privilege. He earned his B.A. in Government from The College of William & Mary, a M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction (Secondary Social Studies) from George Mason University, and a Ph.D. in Education (Social Studies Education) from the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. Before joining UMW, Dr. Broome taught secondary social studies in public and private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.