September 7, 2024

Grothe and Students Work to Protect Coral Reefs

Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Pamela Grothe

Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Pamela Grothe

Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science Pamela Grothe and her students were featured in an article in The Free Lance-Star titled “UMW students plunge into restoring coral reefs.” The article discussed a new course taught by Grothe called “UMW in Bonaire: Coral, Climate and Conversation,” which was offered this past spring semester. The students learned about climate change and its impact on coral reefs and the marine life that lives within them. They also learned coral conservation methods. Thanks to a partnership with The Scuba Shack dive shop in Fredericksburg, Grothe’s students became scuba-certified so they could apply their research during a trip to the Caribbean island of Bonaire this May. Read more.