September 12, 2024

August 2020 Staff Advisory Council Newsletter

Happy August, UMW!

We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter from the Staff Advisory Council. If you click on the newsletter image below, you will be brought to an interactive PDF where you can zoom in and click on relevant links. There is also an accessible text version available on the Staff Advisory Council’s new website.

As always, if you have any thoughts or concerns you would like to bring to the S.A.C., you can find our contact information in the newsletter. Never hesitate to reach out! Stay well.

UMW Staff Advisory Council

Arin Doerfler
Beth Williams (ex-officio)
Brian Ogle
Brittanie Naff
Cecelia “Cece” Burkett
Charles Tate
Christy Pack
Clint Often
Cris Lopes
Edward Gray
Betsy Southern
James Pape
Julie Smith
Justin Wilkes
Kim McManus-Carini
Lee Roy Johnson
Maria Schultz
Maureen Aylward
Michael Morley
Michelle Pickham
Pam Lowery
Rosemarie Staggs
Ryan Hastings