July 26, 2024

Hamon Participated in NATO Panel

Political Science and International Affairs Adjunct David Hamon

Political Science and International Affairs Adjunct David Hamon Served on NATO Panel

Political Science and International Affairs Adjunct David Hamon was a panelist last month for NATO’s Allied Command (ATC) Transformation Strategic Foresight Analysis (SFA) efforts. The ATC-SFA team is responsible for developing strategic foresight reports looking at global trends out to the next two decades. As part of their studies, important trends in the final report include economic, the globalization of financial resources, increased inequality, geopolitical dimension of resources and defense expenditures, etc. As they look at trends globally, the office highlights differences between regions and countries. The overarching goal of the work is to project views on economical changes and inherent strategical consequences and its implications on global defense and security. Hamon addressed the far reaching impact of social unrest on defense and security and likely impact for NATO member states.