If you are willing to voluntarily share the news of your vaccination with the University, please complete this brief survey. It’s important for us to have an idea of how many folks in our community have been vaccinated.
If you haven’t been vaccinated, please fill out this form to get vaccinated even if you have already registered at vaccinate.virginia.gov, but not if you have already been scheduled for or have received one or two doses of the COVID vaccine. We will submit this to RAHD and you will be contacted to schedule your appointment.
Some things to point out:
- Not all of us are on computers all day. Supervisors of employees who have limited online access should collect names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all who want to be vaccinated.
- Access to the vaccine is because of your employment at UMW, so even if you live in another health district, you can come to Fredericksburg to get vaccinated.
- Encourage your current student workers to complete the form. Our rough estimate is that about half of our student workers have already gotten at least one shot.
- As more students start becoming eligible for the vaccine, they might end up scheduling it during finals week. Please remind student to mark their final exam time slots on their calendars now so that they do not encounter a scheduling conflict.
- Please check your spam/junk folders and take calls from unknown contacts on the phone number you submitted. Be aware that you may need to be prepared to go and get the shot the day you are notified. The vaccine supply is being distributed as soon as it arrives, and at least some of the sites are only scheduling 24 hours out.