July 26, 2024

Update from the Future of Work Planning Group

Greetings UMW Community,

Over the past 15 months, COVID has restructured our work environment in significant ways. UMW saw faculty and staff move expeditiously to remote teaching and working, while essential staff maintained the physical operation of the University while implementing numerous new COVID protocols.

As COVID restrictions are lifted and we move toward a post-pandemic community, many employees are wondering what UMW’s future work environment will look like and how it will impact our image as a vibrant, engaged, and diverse traditional residential university.

President Paino has appointed the faculty and staff listed below to the Future of Work Planning Group and charged us with drafting a plan for the future of work at UMW consistent with our educational mission and ASPIRE values, as well as DHRM policies.

The Future of Work Planning group will be asking for information about your personal experiences in your pre-COVID and current work environment and how you envision the future. Your input is critical to the work of this group to shape the new normal of working at UMW. Please take a few minutes to respond to the upcoming survey that will help guide the committee’s work over the coming months. For more details on the current and ongoing work of the committee, see the Future of Work at UMW Planning Group website.

Just as our future ways of working will evolve over time, so will the focus of this committee. It will change and develop as we learn and gain valuable input from all areas of the UMW community. We look forward to your contributions and feedback in this effort.



The Future of Work Planning Group

Julie Smith, AVP for Administration and Finance (Co-Chair)
Beth Williams, Director, Human Resources (Co-Chair)
Maureen Aylward, Donor Relations and Stewardship Associate, Advancement
Teresa Coffman, Professor, College of Education
Michelle Crow-Dolby, Education & Communications Manager, Gari Melchers Home & Studio
Tracey Funtanilla, Senior Accountant, Finance
John Hughey, Assistant Director of Residence Life, Residence Life & Housing
Kunle Lawson, Lecturer, Athletics
Angie Lynch, Enrollment Services Specialist, Registrar
Sharon Neville, Assistant Building Attendant Manager, Facilities
Carolyn Parsons, Head of Special Collections & University Archives, Simpson Library
Michelle Pickham, Senior Contract Officer, Procurement Services
Jerry Slezak, Director, Digital Learning Support
Gregg Stull, Professor of Theatre and Chair, Theatre & Dance
Chris Williams, Assistant Director, James Farmer Multicultural Center