The following message is from Payroll and Finance.
As indicated in previous emails, UKG, the company that provides UMW’s time and attendance system (MyTime), has reported a cybersecurity incident involving ransomware. This attack is preventing UKG’s customers from accessing their services and time and attendance data. The issue is impacting customers worldwide, as you can see from the articles in the following links: The Register, NY Post, and ZDNET
Like other affected entities, UMW has had to revert to a manual system. UMW Payroll has sent emails to all employees in each employee group (classified, administrative professional, wage and student employees) with instructions and forms appropriate to their employee group/type. If you did not receive such an email and you fall into one of these groups or supervise someone in one of these groups, please email Teaching faculty are not impacted, unless they supervise someone in one of the employee groups listed.
The bullets below summarize the deadlines in the emails sent earlier. In order to ensure timely and accurate pay, it’s important that these forms get to Payroll by the deadlines.
- Administrative Professional leave forms for the pay period 11/25 – 12/9 must be received by 9 a.m. tomorrow, 12/14. Email forms to Leslie Petrey.
- Classified Employee timesheet and leave forms for the pay period 11/25 – 12/9 must be received by 2 p.m. tomorrow, 12/14. (Deadline updated from the email earlier today). Email forms to Kayla Hill.
- Wage and student employee timesheets for the 12/6 – 12/19 pay period should be submitted as soon as the employee is done working for the pay period and no later than 9 a.m. Monday 12/20. Wage forms should be emailed to Tania Ellis. Student Employee forms should go to Leslie Petrey.
- Administrative Professional and Classified timesheet and leave forms for the 12/10 – 12/24 pay period must be received no later than noon Monday, 1/3/22. Email Administrative Professional forms to Leslie Petrey and Classified forms to Kayla Hill.
Please be aware that the UKG/MyTime system does not store or process sensitive data (i.e. Social Security numbers, banking information) for UMW.
Due to the uncertainty of the situation, please continue manually tracking your leave and hours worked using the forms provided until you’re notified otherwise by Payroll.
Thank you again for your patience, cooperation and understanding as we work through this process.