Dear Colleagues,
As indicated in an email from the UMW Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM) Project Team sent by Anna Billingsley on February 8th , Cardinal HCM will go live in April 2022.
Cardinal HCM is a statewide data system replacing several of the Commonwealth’s aging systems, including the Personnel Management Information System (PMIS), the Benefits Eligibility System (BES), the Commonwealth Integrated Personnel/Payroll System (CIPPS), Employee Direct and Payline.
To facilitate an accurate, complete and clean conversion of data for PMIS and CIPPS to Cardinal HCM, UMW HR and UMW Payroll will not be able to make changes in PMIS after close of business March 14 or in CIPPS after close of business March 24.
To ensure employees are paid timely and accurately we must avoid new employee start dates, current employee transfers or position changes and any other changes that will occur during the dates below for the employee classes specified:
No hires, transfers or pay-impacting transactions between 3/15 and 3/24 for classified, admin faculty and police
No hires, transfers or pay-impacting transactions between 3/15 and 3/31 for teaching faculty
No hires, transfers or pay-impacting transactions between 3/14 and 3/27 for wage, student and adjunct employees
We understand this may shift the timing of some planned employee activity, and we thank you for your understanding as we move toward implementation of this years-long statewide project.
If you have any questions please feel free to email
Thank you,
Beth Williams
Executive Director for Human Resources
Julie Smith
Associate VP for Finance