Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Tyler Frankel and co-authors Associate Professor Leanna Giancarlo and Professor Ben Kisila, both of the Department of Chemistry and Physics; Professor of Math Debra Hydorn; and recent graduate Catherine Crowell ’22 published an article in Chemosphere based on research conducted at the University of Mary Washington. Titled “Investigating the potential impacts of coal ash runoff on the freshwater Seminole ramshorn snail (Planorbella duryi) under laboratory conditions,” this work identifies the potential impacts of a high volume of industrial waste on the survival, behavior, embryonic development and growth of a common freshwater snail. With an impact factor of 8.943 and CiteScore of 11.8, Chemosphere is one of the most competitive ecotoxicology journals that requires a high level of novelty, significance and impact in accepted papers. Support for the project was provided by the UMW Undergraduate Research Grant Program and a Morris Animal Foundation First Award Wildlife Grant (D22ZO-308). Read the article.
Frankel, UMW Co-Authors Publish in Prestigious Scientific Journal
October 20, 2022 by