September 9, 2024

President’s Council on Sustainability Back in Action for Fall

The President’s Council on Sustainability (PCS) has begun meeting this semester to plan and support sustainable-related activities for the fall and spring semesters. Formed in the fall of 2009, the PCS consists of faculty, staff and students, and reports both to the executive vice president for Administration and Finance and the provost, playing a critical role in shaping administrative goals and objectives relating to campus sustainability. At its September meeting, the council discussed the formation of subcommittees on communication, outreach and engagement, sustainability landscaping, and zero waste sustainability. The entire campus community should be aware that UMW is participating in the Trick or Trash Program this semester to help reduce the amount of candy wrappers that end up in landfills each year. For more information on the program, please contact

Additionally, Fossil Free Fredericksburg’s Walk, Pedal and Celebrate the Planet event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 22, at 10 a.m. This annual event is a great opportunity to bring sustainability awareness to the Fredericksburg community. Help spread the word as this event normally garners strong UMW student involvement.

PCS meetings are held each month of the fall and spring semester and are open to employees, students and the public. Please consider attending and sharing this information with other members of the UMW and Fredericksburg community.