Call for Proposals!
Please encourage students to submit their work for presentation at our annual Undergraduate Research Forum on Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. We welcome projects from all disciplines and of all kinds (original research, creative project, collaborative work). The work should be on a subject related to women, gender, and/or sexuality studies and produced for any UMW class during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Works in progress are welcome! Cash prizes awarded to this year’s outstanding presenter AND poster in recognition of student research in women’s, gender and sexuality studies.
Submit the following materials to Dr. Ray Levy ( via email by Friday, March 10: 1. Your name (and co-presenters names) and UMW email address(es) 2. Proposal (1-2 pages, typed, double spaced) describing original research or creative project to be presented in a 7-minute presentation or as a poster (please clearly specify if you will be doing a presentation OR poster in this proposal) 3. Equipment or technology beyond a computer you will need and will supply 4. Project title, course # and title for which it was produced; instructor, and semester/year course was taken 5. Required: IRB approval letter for research involving human subjects.
Participants will be notified of their proposal status by Monday, March 13. The forum will take place Wednesday, March 29, from 4 to 6 p.m., in Lee Hall 411. This annual forum is sponsored by UMW Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.
Contact Ray Levy or Surupa Gupta with questions.